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Ways of Obtaining a Loan
You have several ways to get a mortgage. Your loan interview can take place, in whole or in part, over the telephone, over the Internet, or in person.

Approved lenders have a variety of options when it comes to helping you get the mortgage that's right for you. Many lenders have Web sites that let you fill out an application online, which can save you time. Other lenders may work with you over the telephone.

Review our approved lenders list in the Find a Lender section to locate the lender that provides the services you prefer.

What-if Analysis
An affordability analysis that is based on a what-if scenario. A what-if analysis is useful if you do not have complete data or if you want to explore the effect of various changes to your income, liabilities, or available funds or to the qualifying ratios or down payment expenses that are used in the analysis.

Wraparound Mortgage
A mortgage that includes the remaining balance on an existing first mortgage plus an additional amount requested by the mortgagor. Full payments on both mortgages are made to the wraparound mortgagee, who then forwards the payments on the first mortgage to the first mortgagee.

Mike Mauden
Managing Broker - REALTORĀ®

R1 Idaho Real Estate

1161 W. River St. Suite 350
Boise, ID 83702
Cell: 208 870-6392

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